Our group had several contributions at this year IEEE RoboSoft 2024 Conference in San Diego, CA USA.
On April 14 Jonas Jørgensen gave an invited talk “Embodied Knowledge for Embodied Intelligence: Interfacing Art-Based Methods and Soft Robotics” for the Democratization of Soft Robotics through Embodied Intelligence workshop at RoboSoft’24.

Our PhD Students Burcu Seyidoğlu and Jonathan Tirado attended the workshop Multimodal Soft Robots for Multifunctional Manipulation, Locomotion, and Human-Machine Interaction. Jonathan showed his recent Advanced Science article “earthworm-inspired soft skin crawling robot” and presented a poster about it. Burcu demonstrated the origami snake robot of her recently published article in Device and won the prize for best Demo.

On April 15, our postdoc Aida Parvaresh presented her work “Metamaterial soft snake robot for rectilinear locomotion” in the Design and Fabrication Session.
On April 17, our PhD student Arman Goshtasbi gave a talk about his work “AI-infused soft fluidic tactile sensing” in the Sensing Session.